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Working as a graphic designer for over 30 years, I created visual communications which were often reductive; simplified images that could be understood easily. My colored pencil art shows a totally different approach. My work is richly detailed to give the viewer a sense of visiting the space, and recreating a mood or atmosphere. I am influenced by nature in my art, as well as the human experience.

Visit my gallery to see my colored pencil art. 

Are you interested in commissioning a portrait or an illustration for commercial use? I can help you with that as well.

Commercial Illustration

Why use illustration to market your product, event or services? An illustration will create a memorable image that will be noticed. Customers often buy products based on the design. Think of illustration for your packaging, publications, posters and more.

FreshGround Blues Blend Packaging
Illustration and Package Design for FreshGround Roast

With over 30 years of experience as a graphic designer, I can also create the layout and work with the printer. Read more about my process and background in this interview.

Do you have an idea but can’t visualize or execute what you need? Let’s talk about it.


Portrait of Harvey
Commissioned by and inspiration for Harvey’s Tales bookstore in Geneva, IL

Whether a beloved pet, a family member, or even yourself, a portrait is a wonderful way to capture a moment in time and the personality of the subject. 

I work mostly from photos, or sometimes a combination of photographs, to create a realistic image in colored pencil.  Because the details included in each commission are unique, I do not have a price list. Please contact me to discuss and I can provide you with a quote.