Fox Valley Special Recreation Mural

Lisa Youngdahl, with mural created for Fox Valley Special Recreation Foundation

July 23 was the unveiling of my mural for Fox Valley Special Recreation Foundation. I am one of ten local artists selected to pair with ten local nonprofit agencies to create outdoor, public art murals that illustrate the programs and services that nonprofits offers to the community.  The original will hang in the non profit’s headquarters, and a large scale print will be part of a permanent display outdoors on Water St in Batavia. The Activate the Alley pARTnership project is in honor of Water Street Studios’ 10 Year Anniversary. This work is mixed media; acrylic and colored pencil. I am so proud to have been selected, and with the client’s reaction: 

“I LOVE this!!! It turned out perfect.” 

Unveiling of Fox Valley Special Recreation Foundation Mural, created by Lisa Youngdahl, artist

Portraiture Video Tour

As with many events this year,“Portraiture,” a juried gallery show opening at the Batavia Fine Arts Centre, was cancelled at the beginning of the quarantine. Since the show was already hung, a virtual tour was created, with narration by the artists. You may take the virtual tour, and learn about the three portraits I have in the exhibit.