The Art of Protest

Voices 2020

If you’ve looked at my portfolio, you will see many musicians, animals and nature images.
However, when I created this artwork in 2020 I was angry, (who wasn’t?) I wanted to illustrate this time in history, and capture what the world was feeling. The protesters are based upon photos taken at a protest I attended in Nashville demanding the removal of a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest from the state capitol building, but changed the signs the reflect the varied protests of that year. I added the US Capitol in the background. The work was created in color pencil with the exception of the “tear gas” in pan pastels.

I am proud that this work was not only accepted into the juried exhibition “The Art of Protest,” but used in the marketing for the show. It takes place May 6 – June 18 at Stola Contemporary Art at 3738 W. Irving Park Rd. in Chicago. There will be a reception held on May 6 from 5 – 8 pm.

A Rare Glimpse

Mammie's Window

Mammie’s Window

This home belonged to my great-grandmother in Kentucky, and has been vacant since her death in 1963. It is still in the family, slowly being overgrown by trees and deteriorating. Peering through the window, you might catch a rare glimpse of the past, as time has stood still.

Mammie’s Window is one of two entries I have in the juried exhibition “Rare Glimpse,” held by Arts DuPage, which takes place in the newly renovated space at North Central College’s Oesterle Library.

My other piece in Rare Glimpse is “Hello in There,” which appeared in multiple exhibitions in 2020. You can view this artwork and the story behind it at

The Rare Glimpse Exhibition will be held March 27 – May 5, 2023 at the Oesterle Library, North Central College, located at 320 School Street, Naperville, IL 60540. There is an artists reception on March 30, 5:00 – 7:30 pm.


InSIGHTful Juried Gallery Show

I was thrilled to be honored with honorable mention in the InSIGHTful gallery show at the Norris Cultural Arts Center in St. Charles. Somehow,

The InSIGHTful exhibition featured artwork that conveys optimism. My colored pencil artwork, Ain’t God Good, was one of two pieces I have in this show.

Inspired by a homeless man I saw crawling out from the overgrowth of weeds and brush next to the Cumberland River in downtown Nashville, Tennessee. He wore a t- shirt, with the message “Ain’t God Good.” I puzzled over this for days. Is this, despite his circumstances, his true belief? Or was it a piece of donated clothing given to him? Perhaps he is wearing the shirt as an ironic message. As I thought about it, he became the inspiration for this mixed media artwork. To focus upon the hopeful humanity which exists in bleak circumstances, the man is the only color in the artwork.

This was created in mixed media; using Prismacolor colored pencils and Prismacolor markers on grey illustration board.

We’re Making The News!

My artwork, as seen on WGN TV weekend morning news.

As many of you know, I am a resident artist at Water Street Studios in Batavia. My studio is the home of my graphic design business, Resolution Creative, where I create my colored pencil artwork, and sometimes participate in group shows in the gallery.

Beginning during the doldrums of this past winter, with many art markets cancelled, some of the artists at Water Street Studios in Batavia opened their doors for shoppers interested in one-of-a-kind gifts, original art and a unique shopping experience. This market, Shop Artist Made, is held Saturdays through the month of May (except April 24,) 9 am – 2 pm in the gallery and artist studios. A recent visit by WGN TV captured this event, and interviews with executive director Taylor Egan, gallery director Steve Sherrell, and scenes of some of the resident artists at work.

Watch the videos, and better yet, stop by for a visit!

A Visit to Lisa Youngdahl’s Artist Studio!

My work and artist studio is featured in the January 2021 Kane County Magazine as Artist of the Month. You can read the article here, starting on page 34. This is part of a series based upon the resident artists at Water Street Studios.

Lisa Youngdahl Art studio tour

As Artist of the Month, I did a Facebook Live virtual tour of my studio. I talked about my work, and my techniques creating colored pencil artwork on black.

I am not used to being on video, so please forgive all the “ums.” The video is approximately 11 minutes long.

It’s Black Friday. Buy Art!

Colored Pencil grapes with sunlight
Distilled Sunlight

I’ve never been a Black Friday shopper. The idea of getting up at dawn, standing in line in the cold, and fighting the crowds has never appealed to me. Instead it was a day devoted to creating art. This would usually result in a drawing I would use for my Christmas cards, or perhaps a gift item. In 2020 we all want to avoid the crowds. Stay home and create. Or, if you still want to shop, buy some art! For yourself or a gift for someone who would appreciate a one of a kind creation.

There are two places online where you can find my art. The Woman Made Gallery Small Works show runs December 10 – 20, with all work priced $300 and under. I have three original works, each 6″ x 6.” You can view my work at The sale does not start until December 10.

First Snow

If you’d rather purchase a print, you’ll find a variety of reasonably priced archival quality giclee prints of my original colored pencil drawings on 100% rag, acid free paper at my Etsy site, Free ground shipping is provided.

If you’d like a gift for someone very special, have you considered a commission? For a quote, please contact me at

#coloredpencil #giclee #originalart

Hello in There

In this artwork, “Hello in There,” I am telling very much a story of 2020 and Covid-19, as well as loss. The son, who is himself a senior adult, visits his elderly mother through a window.  The assisted living centers and nursing homes often did not allow indoor visits during Covid-19. They are not only physically separated, but the mother is a victim of Alzheimers. The mother is clutching a baby doll for comfort – perhaps she’s remembering her own past as a young mother, but she may not remember her own son.

My work is usually very detailed, but I purposely left the detail out of the inside area where the mother is sitting. She is in the dark, in more than one way.

How is it that my artwork “Hello in There” will be in several shows at the same time?  

LOSS, A Virtual Exhibition” is an online exhibition.  September 4 – 27.  

A gicleé print is featured at the Aurora University gallery exhibition “Art in the Time of Coronavirus” August  31 – February 26. View online with my video describing the work.

The original colored pencil painting can be found at Water Street Studios 11th Anniversary Show, “Create in Place” September 11 – October 3. Tickets to the closing event September 25 – 27 may be purchased here.

Hello in There” is also featured in the online publication, Wormwood Press.

Please find time to view the artwork featured in these exhibitions; created in 2020 when we experienced loss, a pandemic, and other tribulations. 

#covidart #coloredpencilart #coloredpencilpainting #illustrationartists #selfisolation #covidillustration #createinplace #womanmadegallery #aurorauniversity

Not Normal: Art in the Age of Trump

Not Normal: Art in the Age of Trump
Not Normal: Art in the Age of Trump

I am thrilled to be included in Not Normal: Art in the Age of Trump, a new book of 142 artists using their talents to protest the presidency of Donald Trump, and everything that has went with it.

“Words and Deeds” (see below) was created over a year ago, and included in the “Dump Trump” exhibition at Stola Contemporary Art in Chicago in January 2020. In my description of my art, I wrote “Clothes are the appearance we present to the world of how we wish to be perceived. In Trump’s outward appearance, he may appear presidential. But through his words and actions, we have a transparent view of the real person. Despite the fact Trump has not shown transparency in his conflicts of interest, both financial and ethical, his words and actions give us a transparent view of the type of the real person.”

The Best Words, artwork by Lisa Youngdahl from Not Normal: Art in the Age of Trump
The Best Words, artwork by Lisa Youngdahl updated for 2020

A couple of months later this country found itself in a pandemic, and as 2020 continued in a downward spiral, I found I needed to update my art. In “The Best Words,” the background is made of Trump-isms, reflecting his response to Covid-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement. The flag is shown upside down, to show how our nation is in distress.

Not Normal: Art in the Age of Trump is a collection of “art as activism” was written by Karen Gutfreund and is available on Amazon.

Words and Deeds art by Lisa Youngdahl shown in Not Normal: Art in the Age of Trump
The original Words and Deeds by Lisa Youngdahl

Fox Valley Special Recreation Mural

Lisa Youngdahl, with mural created for Fox Valley Special Recreation Foundation

July 23 was the unveiling of my mural for Fox Valley Special Recreation Foundation. I am one of ten local artists selected to pair with ten local nonprofit agencies to create outdoor, public art murals that illustrate the programs and services that nonprofits offers to the community.  The original will hang in the non profit’s headquarters, and a large scale print will be part of a permanent display outdoors on Water St in Batavia. The Activate the Alley pARTnership project is in honor of Water Street Studios’ 10 Year Anniversary. This work is mixed media; acrylic and colored pencil. I am so proud to have been selected, and with the client’s reaction: 

“I LOVE this!!! It turned out perfect.” 

Unveiling of Fox Valley Special Recreation Foundation Mural, created by Lisa Youngdahl, artist

Portraiture Video Tour

As with many events this year,“Portraiture,” a juried gallery show opening at the Batavia Fine Arts Centre, was cancelled at the beginning of the quarantine. Since the show was already hung, a virtual tour was created, with narration by the artists. You may take the virtual tour, and learn about the three portraits I have in the exhibit.