I am thrilled to be included in Not Normal: Art in the Age of Trump, a new book of 142 artists using their talents to protest the presidency of Donald Trump, and everything that has went with it.
“Words and Deeds” (see below) was created over a year ago, and included in the “Dump Trump” exhibition at Stola Contemporary Art in Chicago in January 2020. In my description of my art, I wrote “Clothes are the appearance we present to the world of how we wish to be perceived. In Trump’s outward appearance, he may appear presidential. But through his words and actions, we have a transparent view of the real person. Despite the fact Trump has not shown transparency in his conflicts of interest, both financial and ethical, his words and actions give us a transparent view of the type of the real person.”

A couple of months later this country found itself in a pandemic, and as 2020 continued in a downward spiral, I found I needed to update my art. In “The Best Words,” the background is made of Trump-isms, reflecting his response to Covid-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement. The flag is shown upside down, to show how our nation is in distress.
Not Normal: Art in the Age of Trump is a collection of “art as activism” was written by Karen Gutfreund and is available on Amazon.